Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Filippo Giannini

From a newspaper of national circulation, and trascrivo read:. First of all, I myself also went almost every year to pay homage (and ask questions) to the person that I consider a great man onestissimo. I have never worn, in those circumstances a black shirt, showed no nostalgic gestures, even though in my underwear this sense it and feel strongly that increases day by day, as they live the ruins and the breakdown of this country.

I almost passed sixty-five years (three generations) by his murder of the man el'ombra still inspires fear. Why? Many, many, many said that the person of the Duce and his creature, fascism. Regardless of the triviality of affirmation (when the story has never condemned someone or something?) On what basis has been done a serious study on historical and Benito Mussolini?

I have received from Mr Fabreschi (another nostalgic) who lives in Sydney, a letter from a lady that I will propose to externalise the end of this article, a CHALLENGE.
Here is what writes Mrs. Mary Vezzi.

When my turn entire cities and Italy and I find disorder and filth everywhere, when I open the television and daily newscast announces the crimes, murders, assaults, robberies, violence everywhere, and when I see young drug addicts, such as rags thrown on streets, on sidewalks, the flower beds, and I am saddened by the anguish of the parents, when I am afraid of being attacked, "Scippa or even beaten and I do not know who to use because no one defended me when I walk if I feel scared of me behind a step, I come home discouraged, I close my "door" and I remember. Recalling Thank the Lord for having given birth, grow and live my youth at that time that "today" someone calls would, in the period of fascist dictatorship. Then I say a requiem to Benito Mussolini, to express my gratitude for introducing me to only good things, for show only honest things, for having taught us to love my homeland and three colors of the Italian flag (the capital letters in the text are , nda), for having made love, esteem and appreciate my neighbor, who turned in my city any time without any fear! Reminding me feel happy because my mind makes a trip back in time and again for a moment the world peaceful. People were, peaceful and industrious in his eyes there was love and friendship, not hatred and resentment, the young people happy, simple and carefree, living their youth between honest and serene, ignoring all that ugly and shameful Today we live. The beautiful Italian cities were sorted, cleaned, with their beds and their gardens filled with flowers. It breathed fresh air. Our Italy was beautiful, dignified, respected and envied everywhere. Thanks, Benito Mussolini (capitalized in the text, nda), again thank you very much, life have you done to taste only the best and have been able to infuse the most noble values, you were the best of the Fathers! My youth and that of my countrymen have made the sound, clear and pure. And we will hear today that offend so many who say they are pure and they are not, who say they are honest and are not, we feel you unfairly scorned by so much ballast, which guides us and surrounds us. Please note with much greater respect and nostalgia. We hope that the Almighty is light on the youth of today lead to the abyss! That they have experienced in life, unfortunately, only worse: murder, robbery, kidnapping of people, massacres, acts of violence, drugs, machinations, scandals in all sectors, may one day not too far to know what you really are state and glorify as you have given to Italy with our true conscience and a spirit of selflessness. Rest in PEACE, Benito Mussolini (as in the text, nda). Maria Vezzi>.

These words of great simplicity of Mrs. Vezzi, contrast with those of the Mayor of Predappio, Mr. Giorgio Frassineti. The first portrays a man devoted to his whole country, the second prohibitseven the memory. Some may object:. Right, but the Lady Mary Vezzi is not?

And then: Who was Benito Mussolini?

Here's the view of Silvio Bertoldi, taken from volume I of Guido Mussolini Gerosa.
Non si possono enumerare i suoi atti di bontà (…). Il bilancio del Fascismo? Ha nome: strade, autostrade, ferrovie, canali di irrigazione, centrali elettriche, scuole, stadi, sports, aeroporti, porti, igiene sociale, ospedali, sanatori, bonifiche, industrie, commercio, espansione economica, lotta contro la malaria, battaglia del grano, Littoria, Sabaudia, Pontinia, Guidonia, Carta del Lavoro, collaborazione di classe, Corporazioni, Dopolavoro, Opera Maternità e Infanzia, Carta della Scuola, Enciclopedia, Accademia, Codici mussoliniani, Patti Lateranensi, Conciliazione, pacificazione della Libia, marina mercantile, marina da guerra, aeronautica, conquista dell’Abissinia.
Tutto ciò che ha fatto il Fascismo è consegnato alla storia. Ma se c’è un nome che, in tutto questo dramma, resterà puro e immacolato, sarà quello di Mussolini (…)>.
Sul fascismo, allora, una scomunica o, come da molti considerato, una nuova concezione di vita, un nuovo rapporto con il mondo del lavoro, una nuova forza spirituale che si sintetizza in tutte le forme della vita morale e intellettuale dell’uomo? In altre parole, una specie di religione laica o una invenzione mefistofelica?

Silvio Bertoldi, Luigi Sturzo, Pio XII, Paul Gentizon, giudici dello stesso uomo, ma con giudizi così contrastanti, stridenti. Troppo stridenti: da una parte la descrizione di una specie di clown, con tutti i difetti possibili e con caratteristiche quasi demoniache. Dall’altra parte è il ritratto di un uomo, di un grande uomo.

Allora chi era Mussolini?
Quello che lascia intravedere il Sindaco di Predappio, oppure quello invocato dalla Signora Maria Vezzi? Quello dipinto da Guido Gerosa e da Francesco Malgari, o quello commemorato da Paul Gentizon e da Pio XII?
C’è un solo modo per stabilirlo (e qui mi rivolgo principalmente al Sindaco di Predappio): un processo! Sì un processo; si faccia ora quel processo che non è stato mai fatto. Basta con le chiacchiere, basta con le “sentenze senza appelllo”. Sia il Sindaco di Predappio, il Signor Giorgio Frassineti ad organizzare il processo nella piazza principale del paese dove nacque Benito Mussolini. Si appresti un Collegio d’accusa, un Collegio di difesa e si nomini un Giudice. I due Collegi dovranno disporre di tecnici (storici) che illustrino cinquant’anni di storia italiana. Gli italiani – e non solo gli italiani – come abbiamo potuto constatare nei nostri contatti, saranno gli spettatori. Lasciamo a casa le “furbatine”, così che si potrà emettere un sereno giudizio conclusivo sull’uomo Mussolini Benito, e sul regime da lui concepito e realizzato.
Dato che i “liberatori ci hanno liberato” anche della nostra cultura, mi rivolgo ai giovani di oggi, somari nella scuola, per spiegare il titolo di questo articolo.
Cari giovani, quando la scuola italiana era fra le migliori del mondo (oggi siamo all’ultimo posto in Europa, dopo l’Albania) non c’era il chuwing gum, né i tatoo, e neanche i pearcing e avevamo la disgrazia di studiare la nostra letteratura, principalmente Dante Alighieri (che non era il terzino dell’Empoli) il quale scrisse la Divina Commedia (in realtà così fu citata da Boccaccio, perché Dante l’aveva titolata solo Comedia), ebbene nel Purgatorio, XXXIII canto (da non confondersi con gli acuti di Peppino Di Capri), Dante Alighieri fa parlare Beatrice (attenzione, cari giovani amici, Beatrice non era la compagna di Ronaldo), la quale così profetizzò la venuta di un Messo di Dio (attenzione, di nuovo, messo non è il maschile di Messa), appunto il D (cinquecento). V (cinque) e X (dieci). Comprendo che per voi studenti di oggi è una cosa piuttosto astrusa, ma sforzatevi un po’. Quindi ponendo insieme le lettere romane formiamo DVX, il quale, a detta di Beatrice sarà portatore di un tempo nuovo (1). Anche se è senza speranza di essere compreso, riporto i versi di Dante:
So far (and more) the trial of Silvio Bertoldi.
Sturzo to Luigi, the father of modern Christian Democracy, as Francis writes Malgara:.
So was fascism? So Mussolini?
The trial of Pope Pius XII is completely different, because in 1952 he said:.
Moving is the evocation of the Swiss historian and journalist Paul Gentizon that the number 24 of the magazine Les Mois Suisse, May 1945, wrote an obituary on Benito Mussolini of which are a few significant passages:.
On fascism, then, an excommunication or, as considered by many, a new conception of life, a new relationship with the world of work, a new spiritual force which is reflected in all forms of moral and intellectual life of man? In other words, a kind of secular religion an invention or Mephistopheles?
Silvio Bertoldi, Luigi Sturzo, Pius XII, Paul Gentizon, judges of the same man, but with reviews so contrasting blind. Too blind: on the one hand the description of a kind of clown, with all the possible defects and features almost demonic. On the other side is a portrait of a man, a great man.
Who was Mussolini? That suggests that the Mayor of Predappio, or that relied on by Mrs. Mary Vezzi? That painted by Guido Gerosa and Francis Malgara, or commemorated by Paul Gentizon and Pius XII?
There is only one way to determine this (and here I speak primarily to the Mayor of Predappio): a process! Yes a process will do that now the process has never been done. Enough chatter, enough with the "judgments without appello". Both the Mayor of Predappio, Mr. Giorgio Frassineti to organize the process in the main square of the country where Benito Mussolini was born. College is about an indictment, a Defense College, and appoint a Judge. The two colleges will have technical (historical) illustrating five decades of Italian history. The Italians - and not just the Italians - as we have seen in our contacts will be viewers. We let the house "furbatine", so that we can issue a clear opinion about concluding Benito Mussolini, and the structure he designed and built.
As the "liberators freed us even of our culture, I turn to the youth of today, dunce at school, to explain the title of this article.
Dear young people, when the Italian school was among the best in the world (now we are in last place in Europe after Albania) chuwing there was the gum or the tattoos, and hair and even had the misfortune of studying our literature, especially Dante Alighieri (who was not the quarterback dell'Empoli), who wrote the Divine Comedy (actually this was mentioned by Boccaccio, because Dante had only entitled Comedia) Well, in Purgatorio, canto XXXIII (from Not to be confused with acute Peppino Di Capri), Dante Alighieri is talking Beatrice (warning, dear young friends, Beatrice was not the companion Ronaldo), so that prophesied the coming of a messenger of God (emphasis, again, put is not the men's Mass), precisely the D (five hundred). V (five) and X (ten). I understand that for you students of today is a rather abstruse, but try a little '. So putting together the Roman letters DVX form, which, according to Beatrice will be the bearer of a new era (1). Although it is no hope of being understood, carry over the verses of Dante:
So, Mr. Mayor, we do know ... break the silence!
P.S. This article was also sent to the Mayor of Predappio.
1) For the avoidance of doubt I wish to recall that the DVX advocated by Dante (by Beatrice) was probably the Emperor Henry VII who was given the crown imperial Lateran, in June 1312. The one from "We" mentioned was a put of the past.

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